Department of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security (EC)


Day of acquaintance with NURE” took place

On February 13, the Day of acquaintance with Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics took place online. During the event, entrants had the opportunity to meet representatives of departments who presented educational programs of faculties during an online meeting on Google Meet. The entrants learned about the rules of admission to the University of Radio Electronics and features of the admission campaign 2021 and had the opportunity to ask questions to representatives of the admissions committee of the University of Radio Electronics.
Video of the Day of acquaintance with NURE by the link.

Day of acquaintance with NURE” took placeDay of acquaintance with NURE” took placeDay of acquaintance with NURE” took placeDay of acquaintance with NURE” took placeDay of acquaintance with NURE” took placeDay of acquaintance with NURE” took placeDay of acquaintance with NURE” took placeDay of acquaintance with NURE” took placeDay of acquaintance with NURE” took placeDay of acquaintance with NURE” took placeDay of acquaintance with NURE” took placeDay of acquaintance with NURE” took placeDay of acquaintance with NURE” took placeDay of acquaintance with NURE” took placeDay of acquaintance with NURE” took place