Education and Career
1966 – he graduated Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute (KHPI), specializing in automation of production processes.
1988 – Doctor of Economics, scientific speciality 108.00.05 – Economics, Organization of Industry (by branches), the thesis theme: “Organizational and Economic Problems of Development and Placement of Inter-branch Industries”.
1998 – Professor of Economic Cybernetics Department of KNURE.
Educational activity
Lectures courses: Innovative Development of an Enterprise, Basics of Scientific Research and Organization of Science.
Researcher activity
Supervisor of 26 self-financing contract themes with financial support on 22 millions UAH.
Scientific supervisor of laboratory “Modeling of Economic Processes in Infrastructure Industries”.
Under his supervising, 8 candidate’s thesis and 2 doctoral thesis were successfully defended, at present he is the supervisor of 1 post-graduate student.
He has experience of cooperating with enterprises of various sectors: radio electronics, machine-building, metallurgy, chemical industry, energy (electro-examination, thermal energy, oil and gas), food industry.
International activity / participation in international projects
Bratislava (Slovakia) University of Economics: household contract relations on the theme “Problems of personnel management”.
Cooperation: with Research Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Economy of Belarus, Vitebsk Technological State University and economicUniversity of Sosnowitz (Poland).
Social activities
Academician of Economic Sciences of Ukraine.
State Awards
He was awarded the:
- Diploma of the Kharkiv Regional Council (2010).
- Diploma of NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine” (2018).
- Diploma of the Ministry of Higher Education of Ukraine (2018).
Publications and patents
The author of more than 150 scientific publications (including in special journals), 10 monographs, 2 manuals.